Reposted from the Spiritual Sunflower blog, originally posted on January 23rd, 2019
Mantras are a powerful and influential tool I’ve began to use in my everyday life, and I feel they’ve made a serious impact on my mindset and productivity during the day!
A mantra is very simple; all it is, is a word or phrase repeated in meditation.
Mantras help guide our mind to be in the right place. When you speak something aloud, it becomes real. By using mantras in daily meditation practice, even if just for a couple minutes, you can set the tone for your day in a very impactful and simple way!
I begin every day with 5 minutes of meditating when I first wake up, and I repeat my mantra as many times as I need in the beginning. When speaking your mantra, speak up and pronounce.
A couple things to remember is a mantra should be positive! By repeating a mantra, its purpose is to motivate and encourage you to focus your mind to achieve a goal and be your best self.
Since it’s the start of a new year and so much change is occurring, I’d like to share a few mantras I found that may be helpful for those going through or initiating life changes or even aid in making decisions.
This mantra (in Sanskrit) is perfect to chant to let go of your past and open your heart to new opportunity and beginnings. Every new beginning represents an opportunity to bring everything you desire into your life, but that can only be done if you find a path around obstacles that may stand in your way. This is a traditional mantra that helps start your day with positive energy and opens life to new adventures.
Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha
Om Guhm Guh-nuh-puh-tuh-yea
If you prefer to chant in English, here are a few more mantras.
I will judge or criticize no one, not even myself.
I give myself permission to go after what I want.
I release all negativity within me, and open myself to happiness, change and opportunity.
I will let go of things I cannot control.
I can be the change I want to see in the world.
I hope these mantras bring you positivity and opportunity in this new year!
Love & light,